Basic techniques and aesthetics of black and white photography; the camera as a tool for communication and self expression. Student must have a film camera with adjustable shutter speeds and aperture settings. Up to 6 credits applicable toward A.A. degree.
Prerequisite Courses
Credit for ART 107 or consent of instructor.
Course Outcomes
- Perform and apply intermediate photographic techniques with camera operations; black and white film processing; darkroom print enlargement and manipulation; and systems of exposure and development for film.
- Show proficiency in skills and concepts relative to the practice of photography as a means of visual communication and self-expression.
- Be able to discuss the traditions and history of photography.
- Demonstrate intermediate level proficiency in the creative problem-solving process; personal insight; craftsmanship; and technical, aesthetic and critical concepts.
- Demonstrate strong communication skills by effectively critiquing and analyzing photographic imagery.