Graduation Requirements

Graduation Certification

Students should consult with their counselor/academic advisor at least one semester prior to registering for their projected final semester of study.  For specific graduation requirements, see the programs of study listed in the catalog.

Students will follow the program requirements stated in the course catalog at the time of their initial enrollment, providing that the student has been continually enrolled. Continual enrollment is defined as attending each semester (excluding summer session) for at least one credit hour of coursework. Students who have a break in enrollment will be subject to the degree requirements in effect at the time of re-enrollment.

Students who intend to purchase a diploma must have a graduation certification completed by a counselor and submitted by the deadline with the Admissions & Records Office. If you are granted the diploma and continue your enrollment at Windward Community College, you are advised to submit a change of major or your status will be Unclassified.

Auto Notation of Academic Credentials

A student will be notified via email of the potential to earn a credential when enrolled in coursework that will fulfill the requirements to complete a certificate or degree. Upon successful completion of requirements, academic credentials will be notated on the student’s official transcript, unless the awarding institution is informed not to notate the completed credential at the request of the student. Notation of the academic credential will be completed at no cost to the student.

Scholastic Standards

A cumulative 2.0 grade point average is required for graduation with the associate’s degree. At least 12 of the credits for the associate’s degree must be earned at Windward Community College.

Students completing certificate program requirements must successfully complete credits in specified fields and maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.0. At least 20% of the required courses for the certificate must be earned at the College.

Under certain circumstances, credential requirements may be waived by the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs.