SPAN 102: Beginning Spanish II

Credits 4 Lecture Hours 4
Continues SPAN 101 through reading, speaking, writing and listening. Oral communication emphasized. Utilizes videos, stories and songs. Deals with Hispanic culture and the basic knowledge of the history, geography, and the traditions of Spanish speaking countries.

Credit for SPAN 101 or consent of instructor.

Course Outcomes
  • Use appropriate pronunciation, structure and vocabulary to communicate orally with speakers of Spanish with greater proficiency, using role playing to create dialogues based on real-life situations.
  • Read and understand authentic documents in Spanish (simple articles, poems, newspaper articles) for cultural information with greater proficiency.
  • Write simple texts (letters, diaries, simple essays) using knowledge of vocabulary, culture and basic grammatical structures with greater proficiency.
  • Analyze oral, written and visual sources (dialogues, articles, film clips, Internet sites) of information about Hispanic culture and compare and contrast with what the students know of their own culture.