SPAN 201: Intermediate Spanish I

Credits 3 Lecture Hours 3
Continuation of SPAN 102. Further refinement of basic language skills. Increased control over structures and idioms in written and oral expression. Reading about Hispanic culture, society, history and literature.

Credit for SPAN 102 or consent of instructor.

Course Outcomes
  • Use appropriate pronunciation, structure and vocabulary to communicate orally with speakers of Spanish.
  • Read and understand authentic documents (menus, recipes, itineraries, articles) in Spanish for cultural information.
  • Compose dialogues and do research on some aspect of Hispanic culture or history and present it orally.
  • Analyze oral, written and visual sources of information about Hispanic culture and compare and contrast with what the students know of their own culture.
  • Write descriptions, letters, diaries, showing knowledge of vocabulary, appropriate structures and knowledge of Hispanic culture.
  • Use Spanish to communicate personal information and experience and narrate past events and future aspirations.