This is a capstone project course for the Academic Subject Certificate in Hawaiian Knowledge Innovation. Students enrolled in this ASC program will apply knowledge they have learned from both their Information and Computer Science and Hawaiian Studies Classes to develop and finish an independent technology based project using a Hawaiian theme and Hawaiian cultural content. Students will work with two faculty members, one from the Hawaiian Studies/Hawaiian Language disciplines, and one from the Information and Computer Sciences discipline to develop their project. Students can work both individually and in small groups depending on capstone enrollment and faculty approval on a case-by-case basis. Students will be required to meet with faculty mentors regularly throughout the semester. Students will be required to track weekly hours spent on research and project development. (3 hours cooperative education)
Instructor Consent
- Document the technical and cultural knowledge and sources needed to carry out project idea.
- Translate project ideas into a realistic work plan that draws on both technical and cultural sources.
- Produce and professionally present the project plan and results.