This course offers increased student-teacher collaboration on English 100 course content: college-level composition, critical reading, the writing process, rhetorical principles, research strategies, and the documentation of sources. (140 min studio)
Grade of "C" or better in ENG 23, or placement into ENG 100W, or approval of designated Language Arts representative.
Co-Requisite Courses
Course Outcomes
- Write complex and well-reasoned compositions in language, style, and structure appropriate to particular purposes and audiences.
- Engage in a writing process that includes exploring ideas, considering multiple points of view, developing and supporting a thesis, revising with the help of peer and instructor feedback, editing, and proofreading.
- Find, evaluate, integrate, and properly document information from libraries, the internet, and other sources, with an eye for reliability, bias, and relevance.
- Read for main points, perspective, and purpose, and analyze the effectiveness of a variety of rhetorical strategies in order to integrate that knowledge into their writing.