

SCI 210: Polynesian Voyaging: Seamanship and Stewardship

Credits 3 Lecture Hours 3

This course focuses on the fundamentals of oceanic voyaging by blending the traditions of Polynesian culture, history and skills with modern science and technology. An interdisciplinary approach is used in treating topics in astronomy, navigation, geology, oceanography, meteorology and archaeology. Students are introduced to the basic skills of seamanship and stewardship, including the techniques in navigational wayfinding and the impact of human activity on the island environments. 

Course Outcomes
  • Describe the basic geography of Polynesia and its settlement as gleaned from archaeological findings.
  • Apply the fundamental concepts in modern positional astronomy and techniques of wayfinding (non-instrument navigation).
  • Discuss Polynesian mythology and cosmology, especially as related to voyaging.
  • Apply the basic concepts in geology and weather forecasting in the Pacific area.

SCI 210L: Polynesian Voyaging: Seamanship and Stewardship Lab

Credits 1 Lab Hours 3

Laboratory/field trip course designed to acquire seamanship skills and apply knowledge of astronomy, geology, oceanography, meteorology, marine biology, ethnobotany and archaeology through sailing and environmental exploring activities. Laboratory/field trip course is also designed to apply knowledge of Polynesian skills and modern science to the impact on the environment due to human settlement, especially in Hawai‘i. 


1. Minimum water skills and survival requirements Student must demonstrate an: -Ability to swim a minimum of 500 yards in the open ocean using any strokes, except backstroke. -Ability to tread water for 30 minutes in the open ocean. (Note: Accredited water skill and survival tests passed within the past year are acceptable upon instructor approval. The swim test must be completed by the date of the first sailing lab.)

2. Health Clearance: from a licensed physician must be provided. (Note: Health clearance submitted within the past year is acceptable upon instructor approval. Health clearance must be submitted by the date of the first sailing lab.)

Course Outcomes
  • Apply both traditional Polynesian skills and modern scientific methods when engaged in sailing and environmental exploring activities.
  • Apply basic sailing and navigational skills to prepare and carry out a sailing plan.
  • Apply water safety skills.
  • Conduct basic canoe operations, including rigging, sailing and maintenance.
  • Identify Polynesian-introduced plants and native plants that are valuable for voyaging and discuss their value as food source, medicine, building material, and cordage.
  • Identify common marine organisms found in Hawaii and know what to do when stung or bitten, and know which marine organisms is suitable as a food source.
  • Respond to navigational and environmental problems using knowledge of constellations, wayfinding, geology, oceanography, weather forecasting, and ecology.

SCI 295AL: Introduction to STEM Research in Algae

Credits 1 4

STEM research class with a student engaged in independent research in topic areas related to Algae Studies. Credits vary from 1 – 4 based on the complexity of the research topic. May be repeated up to 6 credits. (3 hours cooperative education/work experience per week per credit.)


Instructor Consent.

Course Outcomes
  • Use research and technology skills to access information from multiple sources
  • Design and implement a plan to solve a specific STEM-based research project
  • Collect, analyze, and interpret data generated by the selected research project
  • Communicate conclusions in written and/or oral form

SCI 295AS: Introduction to STEM Research in Aerospace Science

Credits 1 3

SCI 295AS Introduction to STEM Research in Aerospace Science (variable 1-3 credits) offers a research experience in aerospace science, which emphasizes the application of the scientific method to a specific aerospace project. Repeatable up to 6 credits.  (3 hours cooperative education/work (COOP) experience per week per credit)


Instructor consent

Course Outcomes
  • Use research and technology skills to access information from multiple sources.
  • Design and implement a plan to solve a specific STEM-based research project.
  • Collect, analyze, and interpret data generated by the selected research project.
  • Communicate conclusions in written and/or oral form.

SCI 295EN: Introduction to STEM Research in Engineering

Credits 1 3

SCI 295EN Introduction to STEM Research in Engineering (variable 1-3 credits) offers a research experience in engineering, which emphasizes the application of the scientific method to a specific engineering project. Repeatable for up to 6 credits.  (3 hours cooperative education/work (COOP) experience per week per credit)


Instructor consent.

Course Outcomes
  • Use research and technology skills to access information from multiple sources.
  • Design and implement a plan to solve a specific STEM-based research project
  • Collect, analyze and interpret data generated by the selected research project.
  • Communicate conclusions in written and/or oral form.

SCI 295EP: Introduction to STEM Research in Ethnobotanical Pharmacognosy

Credits 1 4

SCI 295EP Introduction to STEM Research in Ethnobotanical Pharmacognosy (1-4 credits) offers a research experience in study of Hawaiian medicinal plants for the health benefits, bioactive constituents, development of value added foods, and possible production of nutraceuticals. A total of four credits are necessary to meet the capstone requirement for the Certificate in Ethnopharmacognosy. May be repeated up to 6 credits. (3 hours cooperative education/work (COOP) experience per week per credit.)


Instructor Consent.

Course Outcomes
  • Use research and technology skills to access information from multiple sources
  • Design and implement a plan to solve a specific STEM-based research project
  • Collect, analyze, and interpret data generated by the selected research project
  • Communicate conclusions in written and/or oral form

SCI 295PB: Introduction to STEM Research in Plant Biotechnology

Credits 1 4

SCI 295PB Introduction to STEM Research in Plant Biotechnology (1-4 credits) offers a research experience in application of the principles and techniques of plant biotechnology in agricultural production and plant conservation. A total of four credits are necessary to meet the capstone requirement for the Certificate in Plant Biotechnology. May be repeated up to 6 credits. (3 hours cooperative education/work experience per week per credit.)


Instructor Consent.

Course Outcomes
  • Use research and technology skills to access information from multiple sources
  • Design and implement a plan to solve a specific STEM-based research project
  • Collect, analyze, and interpret data generated by the selected research project
  • Communicate conclusions in written and/or oral form

SCI 295V: Introduction to STEM Research

Credits 1 3
SCI 295V offers a research experience in science, technology, engineering, and/or mathematics, emphasizing the application of the scientific method to a specific project. Repeatable for up to 6 credits. (3 hours cooperative education/work experience per week per credit)

Instructor consent.

Course Outcomes
  • Use research and technology skills to access information from multiple sources.
  • Design and implement a plan to solve a specific STEM-based research project.
  • Collect, analyze and interpret data generated by the selected research project.
  • Communicate conclusions in written and/or oral form.