Academic Subject Certificate



The Academic Subject Certificate in Business is a college credential for students who have completed a specific sequence of credit courses to prepare and qualify them for transfer to a four-year institution. This certificate is designed to provide Windward Community College students with recognition for their accomplishments and to also serve as an indication to potential employers that students who have earned an Academic Subject Certificate have specific prerequisite business skills.

Upon successful completion of this certificate, students will be able to:

  • Utilize the appropriate computer applications to produce professional-level documents, including electronic spreadsheets, presentations, databases, and web pages to enhance effective communication
  • Understand and apply basic accounting skills such as recording, posting, summarizing, and interpreting financial data of an organization
  • Develop a working understanding of skills required for effective management of a business, including but not limited to communications, administrative, technical, human relations, and problem-solving
  • Develop a basic understanding of ethical and moral issues involved in and related to the use of computer technology, the misuse of accounting information, and employment issues of women and other minority groups

This certificate consists of 24 credits. The sequence of courses required for the Academic Subject Certificate in Business is designed to provide a foundation in accounting, economics, computer science, and written and oral communications, while also qualifying for articulation as transfer credits to four-year college business degree programs. See course descriptions for prerequisites.

Please note that completing the sequence of courses below does not automatically qualify a student for entrance into a four-year college program. There may be other required courses. See your Windward CC counselor, or check the four-year institution’s applicable program requirements or current catalog.

Required Courses (24 credits)

Item #
Sub-Total Credits
Total Credits