Academic Subject Certificate

Aerospace Option Program

The Aerospace Option Program (AOP) is designed to assist undergraduate students interested in pursuing aerospace science and engineering careers—especially in the fields of astronomy, astronautics, aeronautics and atmospherology. Through AOP, students may add an aerospace designation to their own major while earning an official University of Hawai‘i Certificate, which is registered on their transcript. AOP emphasizes experiential, hands-on learning by applying traditional STEM coursework to real-world, project-based research and internships. AOP is managed through Windward CC’s Center for Aerospace Education in affiliation with the Hawai’i Space Grant Consortium.

For information about the program, contact the Windward CC AOP coordinator at 808-236-9111, email, or visit the website:


After completing this program, graduates will be able to:

  • Identify, formulate and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science and mathematics.
  • Conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions.
  • Function effectively on teams that establish goals, plan tasks, meet deadlines, and analyze risk and uncertainty.
  • Communicate with strong verbal and written skills when presenting and writing engineering and scientific reports both to the professional and layman audience.
  • Utilize fundamental STEM skills to advance in their educational studies and successfully compete for technical, engineering and science positions in the local, national and global workforce.


Required Courses (Total Credits: 1)

Students are required to design and engage in an aerospace-related research project. This capstone requirement may be fulfilled in one of two ways:

  • SCI 295EN: Introduction to STEM Research in Engineering (1 credit)
  • SCI 295AS: Introduction to STEM Research in Aerospace Science (1 credit).

During this capstone course the student must be engaged in an aerospace or engineering research project conducted under the auspices of Hawaii Space Grant Consortium or similar aerospace-related granting agency. The student is required to make a presentation of his/her project at a public venue such as the HSGC Fellowship Symposium.

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Elective Courses (minimum of 12 credits from the following elective courses)

RESTRICTIONS for Elective Courses:

1.   Any number of the following astronomy, engineering, and physics courses may be applied to the 12-credit elective minimum:
     ASTR 110;  ASTR 110L;  ASTR 170;  ASTR 180;  ASTR 181;  ASTR 250;  ASTR 250L;  ASTR 281; CE270;  EE211; PHYS 151 or PHYS 170;  PHYS 151L or PHYS 170L;  PHYS 152 or PHYS 272;  PHYS 152L or PHYS 272L;  PHYS 274

2.   No more than two of the following ICS courses may be applied to the 12-credit elective minimum with the specified restrictions:
     ICS 111;  ICS 211;  ICS 212 or EE 160;  ICS 215

5.   No more than three of the following chemistry and geoscience courses may be applied to the 12-credit elective minimum with the specified restrictions:
     ATMO 101;  CHEM 151 or CHEM 161;  CHEM 151L or CHEM 161L;  CHEM 162;  CHEM 162L;  ERTH 101;  ERTH 101L

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Total Credits